InterBEE REVIEW2012 (EN)

12New collaborative partnership between Inter BEE and SET Broadcast and Cable to further strengthen the Japanese and Brazilian broadcasting industriesInter BEE Review 2012 Topics Guest Interview2Mr. Olimpio José FrancoPresident, SETThe Japan Electronics Show Association (JESA) has formed a collaborative relationship with the Brazilian TV-related academic society, ‘SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE ENGEN-HARIA DE TELEVISAO (SET)’, and ‘Certame Display Monta-gens e Locacao de Equip. S/C Ltda’, the company managing the ‘SET Broadcast and Cable’ Brazilian broadcasting and commu-nications equipment exhibition.The three parties will provide each other with information on exhibition and academic society conferences in the future and help to notify such information to people and organizations in the industry of their respective countries. Specifically speaking, they will translate information into their own languages and mutually create press releases and advertise-ments, and exchange booths.On November 14, the first day of the Inter BEE 2012 exhibition, a signing ceremony was conducted at the International Conference Deluxe Suite of the exhibition venue, Makuhari Messe. The ceremony was performed by SET President, Mr. Olimpio José Franco and JESA Director and Secretary General, Takashi Ohyama.■“20-year relationship of trust between  both countries built through ISDB-T”The SET President, Mr. Olimpio José Franco, who came especially to Japan for the signing, spoke as follows about this tie-up.“This is my first visit to Inter BEE and I’m very pleased because I have been able to meet Japanese and other foreign colleagues. Being here has reminded me of the international


