Can technology save the earth⁈
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In the first half of this session, we will welcome researchers selected for the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's "Advanced Technology Implementation Program (TIP)" to discuss their passion for research and the motivations behind their development. Panelists will provide feedback on the societal impact and practical implementation of these technologies.
In the second half, we will engage in a discussion on whether advanced technologies truly make people happier and what the real value of technology is.
As solving global issues and achieving diversity become urgent priorities, keeping new technologies and research results confined within laboratories would be a loss for humanity and the planet. This session will offer fundamental insights to researchers and startups striving to change the world and the Earth from the perspective of "Can technology save the planet?!
Hiromi Okuda
Wiz. Group, Inc.
Kouta Minamizawa
Keio University Graduate School of Media Design
Kento Hatase
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