Inter BEE 2025

Exhibitor Categories

Special Event

Inter Inter BEE offers four exhibition categories, classifying products and services in the media and entertainment industry. Please select the category best suited to your product range.

Special Event

We offer 'Special Event’ Areas where you can showcase your products and services with a focus on specific fields.
This enables you to reach your target audience more directly.
We provide multiple exhibition options, such as combining this with your Inter BEE booth. We look forward to your participation.

  • Professonal Audio

    • Point source speakers / Compact line array speakers / Medium and large line array speakers

    • Monitoring headphones and earphones, Listening headphones and earphones, High-resolution compatible headphones and effectors, Headphone amplifiers and earphone-related products, Vocal microphones, Microphone processor/effector, Microphone mixers / Other related products

  • Entertainment / Lighting

    • XR (VR/AR), Metaverse, AI, CG, Blockchain, 3D video/audio, Ultra-realistic video, Projection mapping, Drones, Robotics,Live entertainment technology, Spatial production, Special equipment for production, Lighting systems, Other advanced video expression technologies

    • Startup & University Area

      Startup companies or universities that aim to grow through new technology and innovation in the media, video and entertainment industries.

  • Video Production / Broadcasting Equipment

    • Equipment related to ST2110・ST2059・NMOS, Equipment for content production with Cloud services & AI, Equipment and services with security measures for broadcasting

    • Cinema cameras, cinematographic lighting, sound equipment, special equipment for filming, peripheral equipment for filming (e.g. monitors), recording devices on set Film production-related equipment, film production-related applications, etc

  • Media Solutions

    • Content production company, Content distributor, cloud-related business, Telecommunications company, digital marketing company, Company or organization related to the media business

    • Video advertising technology company, Content production company, Video distribution and streaming related company, Digital marketing company

    • Video production, post-production, shooting studios, production and editing tool development, video and animation creator staffing, commercial video production companies, software manufacturers, animation production companies, other video production-related companies