Inter BEE 2025

Option Menu

Take advantage of our optional menu to get more information and exposure.
Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis from 10:00 a.m. on August 24. (Mon.)

Take full advantage of Inter BEE's information dissemination functions to support sales promotions and brand information.

Option 1: Advance Magazine Article Advertisement

The Inter BEE News Center team will produce articles and videos, which will be posted on the official website as PR articles and disseminated as information. Articles will also be posted on the official Inter BEE Facebook and Twitter pages and distributed through the HTML newsletter.

  • ・Number of site visits 537,818Sessions
  • ・Official Facebook Followers 5,276Followers
  • ・Official Twitter Followers 2,619 Followers
  • ・Email newsletters sent out 78,000 Newsletter
  • 1-1. INTER BEE MAGAZINE Article Ad

    <Articles with photos and text>

    Participation Fee 275,000 yen (tax included)

    ※A reporter will visit or call you for an interview and write up the article.

  • 1-2. INTER BEE TV Video Article Ad

    <Articles with product videos>

    Participation Fee 550,000 yen (tax included)

    ※Assumed to be filmed in a studio (Tokyo and Osaka). Movie is about 2 minutes long.
    ※You can use the video for other purposes.

Sent HTML e-mails through Inter BEE Visitor Database
  • Shared specifications
    Application period September 14 (Mon.) to November 13 (Fri.)
    Publication period 1 week (please select your preferred period on the application form)
    Number of newsletter delivery 1 time
    Application deadline September 30 (Wed.)
    ※Please apply at least three weeks in advance of your desired publication date, as we need to interview and write the article.

Video advertisements will be broadcasted on "Studio Live" during the live event.
Increase your exposure, the value and effectiveness of your exhibit.

Option 2: Video Advertisements in Studio Live

Your company's original video will be distributed as the facilitator of the studio live performance during the live event and as a commercial between the programs.
Studio Live will be featured on the Inter BEE 2020 ONLINE top page.

Participation Fee 550,000 yen (tax included)
  • ・Video commercial (30 seconds) on the Studio Live channel that will be running during the event
  • ・Video materials will be provided by the exhibitor in advance
On-air period November 18 (Wed.) - November 20 (Fri.)
Number of plays 5 or more times per day for 3 days
Length of video within 30 seconds. Format: H.264(MPEG-4 AVC)
Entry Deadline October 30 (Fri.)
Video Advertisements in Studio Live

From pre-promotional announcements to day-of-event announcements, we can help you reach a larger audience.

Option 3: Exhibitor Seminars

Exhibitor seminar slots are now available to be streamed during the live event.
This will be featured on the top page during the distribution as an Inter BEE conference program.
It will also be posted on the Exhibitor Details page.

Participation Fee 440,000 yen per session (tax included)
  • ※Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis from 10:00 a.m. on August 24 (Monday). There is no limit to the number of sessions you can apply for.
  • ※There will be two tracks.
  • ※After the seminar, it will continue to be posted as archived content
  • ・Inter BEE conference program will include pre-conference PR
  • ・The seminar will be announced on the TOP page
  • ・Provision of audience data
Audience data ・Data of visitors to the lecture during the delivery will be provided at a later date.
※Only the information of opt-in visitors will be provided, not those who have opted out.
・1 hour per session, 5 slots per day, 2 tracks during the event
※Details will be provided separately.
Video Please record your own video. The secretariat office can provide support for a fee.
Length of video 60 minutes or less.
Entry Deadline October 30 (Fri.)
Broadcasting on TOP page & Exhibitor Details

Increase exposure, maximize exhibitor effectiveness and access to your exhibitor details in the shortest amount of time.

Option 4: Logo Banner Ad

  • 4-1. Top Page Logo Banner ad
    Eligible plans Standard and Premium plan applicants
    Logo size 400px or more in width
    Specifications Random display
    Top Page Logo Banner ad
  • 4-2. Exhibition Area TOP banner
    Ad Location Exhibition Area Entrance TOP page
    Eligible plans Premium plan applicants only
    Banner size 1800px (W) by 600px (H)
    Specifications Random display
    ※There are certain regulations for creating images.
    Exhibition area TOP Banner ad
  • Shared specifications
    Participation Fee 1,100,000yen (tax included)
    Specifications Link to the exhibitor's page
    Submission deadline October 30 (Fri.)

※For more details of the option menu, Please refer to the attached option menu and application form.

Place your sponsor's logo on the special event page that attracts a large number of users to ensure that your core target audience is directed to your page.

Option 5: Special Event Sponsor Logo Ad

Each special event features a number of highly interesting seminars and sessions planned for different purposes.
Increase your exposure and make your exhibit even more effective!

Participation fee 220,000 yen (including tax)
/ 1 project
Qualification Inter BEE 2020 ONLINE exhibitor
Specifications ・Company or brand logo on the special event page.
・The sponsor's logo will link directly to the exhibitor's details page.
Application Deadline Oct. 16 (Fri)
Special Event Sponsor Logo Ad
Categories of Special Exhibits and Target Audience.
  • A variety of opinion pieces on the latest trends in broadcasting and media in the new normal society.

    Broadcasting stations, radio stations, telecom companies,content distributors, Internet-related companies, advertising agencies,and cable TV companies.

  • A new form of media and entertainment and the creation of content is presented in a VR theater.

    Broadcasters, content producers, facility and store operators,equipment manufacturers, content distributors,telecommunication companies

  • The latest information on the role of visual content and various creative endeavors in the future society.

    Broadcasters, content producers, facility and store operators,equipment manufacturers, content distributors,telecommunication companies

  • Aiming to reboot live entertainment,the acoustic demo is now online.

    PA-related, contents production, video creators, facilities and stores,production, equipment manufacturers

  • Diversified Video and Video Content Production.Production support tutorials for diverse producers.
    INTER BEE X-Cinema

    Film and video production companies, video production companies,video creators, broadcasters, etc.

※For details, please refer to the attached Special Event Sponsor Logo Ad.