Inter BEE 2016 TV: NIXUS presents new CG-NEXTA telop system with intuitive user-friendly workflow
2016.11.18 UP
NIXUS Hokkaido Nikko Telecommunications presented their new CG-NEXTA telop system at the three-day Inter BEE 2016 exhibition held 11/1611/18 at Makuhari Messe.
The system is equipped with an efficient, intuitive workflow and stylish new GUI that is easy to operate. The powerful built-in DSO Online 3D engine makes telop ordering completely digitized and paperless.
The system also enables simultaneous delivery control on up to four lines. It is equipped with a "free assign" function for freely assigning subtitles to any device for use on air.
Hokkaido Nikko Telecommunications
〒060-0041 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Chuo-ku, Odori-Higashi 7-12-33
Category /Hall / Booth
Video Production/Broadcast Equipment Category /Hall
6 /6507