Sony Finance International Displays New Type of Location Porter
2007.11.22 UP
Sony Finance International and Sony Pro Techno Support opened a booth together and exhibited the Location Porter that enables simple relay broadcasts achieved by connecting a camera to a tablet PC and using an NTT DoCoMo FOMA handset to broadcast images in real time. The combination of a Sony proprietary high-resolution algorithm with "quality of service (QoS)" enables simple, real time broadcast of high-resolution video.
The current exhibition features a new dual FOMA feature that enables video to be transmitted by simultaneously using two FOMA handsets. Using one FOMA handset, the theoretical bandwidth is 384 kilobits/second, with actual speeds reaching about 256 kilobits/second. With the dual FOMA feature, these speeds reach 450 to 480 kilobits/second to enable stable 15 frames per second of H.264/AVC video.
The Location Porter is available through a rental service starting at a two-week rental period. It is easy to use and takes advantage of the latest features of PCs with their ever advancing functionality.
Sony Finance will be offering the rental service. The rental fee for two weeks is 149,800 yen. The Location Porter will enable simple live broadcasts not only for professionals but also for businesses and the general public.