Exhibiting Regulations

“Exhibition Guide and Exhibit Regulations” can be viewed on the PDF file.

1-1. Exhibitor eligibility

Corporations and organizations involved with products included in the following list or related businesses are eligible to participate in Inter BEE:

  • Equipment manufactures
  • Electronic components, devices, and materials manufacturers
  • Broadcasting and communications companies
  • Software and content production companies
  • Trading and distribution companies
  • Service companies
  • Newspapers, magazines and other publishing companies
  • Educational and research institutes
  • Government organization, administrative corporations, public-interest corporations
  • nonprofit public and industry organizations

1. Advertising companies and other related agencies are not allowed to represent any company that exhibits products even if said products are included in the aforementioned list of eligible businesses or products.

2. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to refuse applications from companies that have violated regulations at a previous show or whose activities may be considered detrimental to visitors and/or other exhibitors regardless of in prior to or after holding an exhibitor contract. In such case, paid booth fees will be refunded. (see section 2-4: Exhibit application and contract agreement)

1-2. Exhibition categories

Professional Audio Equipment full overhead lighting only
Professional Lighting Equipment all overhead lighting off only
Video and Broadcast Equipment either full overhead lighting
or all overhead lighting
off can be selected
ICT / Cross Media full overhead lighting only

When an item to be exhibited falls into both categories, two options are possible: the exhibit may either be placed in the category of greatest importance, or the exhibitor may exhibit in both categories. If the Video and Broadcast Equipment Category is selected, the exhibitor may choose to have all overhead lighting on or off. In addition, exhibitors in the Professional Lighting category may illuminate towards the ceiling; however, considering the influence on surrounding exhibitors, please note that this kind of exhibitors’ booth will be located at the far end of the show space.

1-3. Booth standards, specifications and description

1. Standard Booth

(1) 1 to 4 row booths & Facilities (1 to 18 booth spaces)

  • a. Booth space : 2,970mm(W) x 2,970mm(D)
  • b. Specification :
    For exhibitors with 1- to 4-row booths, system panels will be installed as back panels on the sides neighboring booths of other exhibitors. However, system panels will not be placed on the corner-facing sides of corner booths.

(2) Block booths (20 or more booth spaces)

The standard for block booths is: 1 booth space = 9㎡. The floor will be marked in an area equal to (W:D) 2:1 or 1:1 based on the total floor space reserved (9㎡ x no. of booth spaces). The actual dimensions will be provided to exhibitors at the lot drawing for booth space allocation.

[Sample booth dimensions]

Example of an application for 25 booth spaces: Dimensions are marked out for an area of 225㎡ (9㎡ x 25 booth spaces), ranging from a rectangular shape with a wider entry dimensions than a square.

(3) Booth height limitations

The standard height is 2.7m. Details of booth wall heights are shown below.

a. 1 to 18 booths (row-type booth)

The allowable height of booth walls set back 1.0m from the corridors and / or foundation panels will be 3.6m.

*The allowable height for booths (18 or less) located in the final row (the topmost row on the booth allocation drawing) in the Exhibition Hall will be 4.5m at set back 1.0m from the corridors and/or foundation panels with consideratin for visibility by visitors.

b. More than 20 booth spaces (block booths)

he height limit is 6m.

(4) If product sizes exceed height limitations

The height limitation on product exhibits and decorations is stipulated above. If exhibited products exceed these height limitations, the exhibitor should submit Application for Over-Regulated Heights and booth plan drawing to the Show Management Secretariat and the exhibitor must receive prior permission from the Inter BEE Organizing Committee. Product exhibits are to be displayed within the specified space limitations of the exhibition booth and not displayed in a way that would encroach upon corridor spaces. Exhibited products that have received prior permission to exceed height limitations must be exhibited in their original state. No additional decorations are permitted.

2. Small Package Booth

  • a. Booth space : 1,980mm(W) x 990mm(D) x 2,700mm(H)
  • b. Specification : The following facilities are included in
  • ・Wall panels
  • ・Display counter (1000mm high with storage space)
  • ・Fascia (300mm width)
  • ・Company Name Display
  • ・Fluorescent light
  • ・Electricity socket (single-phase 100V, up 1 kW output)

*Small package booth exhibitors may apply for up to two booths.

3. Booth description

At Inter BEE, booths are available in two types, a standard booth and small package booth. Regardless of type, however, all fees for booths will be referred to as the exhibit booth fee on the invoice statement.

1-4. Number of booths and booth type

  Booth Type Number applied for
Standard booth 1 row 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
2 row 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
3 row 9, 12, 15, 18
4 row 16
Block format 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45,
50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75,
80, 85, 90, 95, 100
Small package booth 1, 2

1. Exhibitors in rows (less than 18 booths)may have booths of other exhibitors on one or three sides.

2. Industry organizations and joint exhibitors may apply for more than 100 booths.

3. After the deadline for applications, the Organizing Committee will determine the layout of the show site. If the total space applied for exceeds the capacity of the site, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to determine an impartial method to reduce the number of booths applied for by exhibitors.

1-5. Allocation of booths

Booth locations will be determined by lot drawing. Lots will be drawn among exhibitors who have the same number of booths or share the same configuration in the same categories. However, depending on actual conditions at the booth allocation, lots may be drawn among exhibitors who have approximately the same number of booth spaces (±10 spaces) in the same stage (i.e. exhibitors with 25 to 35 booth spaces). In addition, exhibitors in the Professional Lighting category may illuminate towards the ceiling; however, considering the influence on surrounding exhibitors, please note that such exhibitors’ booth will be located at the far end of show space. (The drawing of lots is scheduled for July 23rd.)

1. Primary lot drawing
Exhibitors who have submitted applications by Friday, May 29th, may participate in the primary lot drawing. Please be aware that the number of booths can be changed until the end of June and that the Organizing Committee may adjust the order of the drawing in the event that exhibitors change the number of booths for which they applied to fit their needs after the end of June.

2. Secondary selection
Exhibitors applying from Saturday, May 30st, through Monday, June 30th, may select their booth locations from the locations that remain vacant, in the order of which applications are received.

3. Spare booth spaces
If booth spaces remain available at the end of the lot drawing dates, the remaining spaces will be placed on the floor as spare booths. Exhibitors submitting applications after Tuesday, Juiy 1st can select their booth locations from the available spare booths on a first-come, first-served basis.

4. Fixed booth spaces
The Organizing Committee has determined the following booth spaces to be fixed:
(1) Because lots are drawn among exhibitors with the same number and type of booths in the same exhibit zones, an exhibitor not meeting this criterion will be afforded a fixed booth space(s).
(2) Cooperative exhibitors
(3) Overseas cooperative exhibitors and related domestic exhibitors.

5. Utility booths will be setup in spare open spaces after the booth lot drawing is completed. However, exhibitors should be aware that further changes in booth allocation may occur due to exhibitor cancellations, reduction in booth spaces, etc.

6. The position of entry ways and the use of block booths by exhibitors may be adjusted by the Organizing Committee in consideration of overall visitor flow.

7. Overhead lighting
Full overhead lighting delivers approximately 500 lux, but exhibitors in the Video and Broadcast Equipment category may choose to locate their booths in areas where all overhead lighting is decreased (approximately 50 lux). Please note that this option may not be available, depending on the ratio of visitors requesting overhead lighting. For exhibitors in the Professional Audio Equipment category, only the option of full overhead lighting (approximately 500 lux) is available and all overhead light is not available for those in the Professional Lighting category (approximately 50 lux).

Exhibition Categories Overhead lighting
Professional Audio Equipment Full overhead lighting
(approx. 500 lux)
Professional Lighting Equipment All overhead lighting off
(approx. 50 lux)
Video and Broadcast Equipment Full overhead lighting
(approx. 500 lux)
All overhead lighting off
(approx. 50 lux)
ICT / Cross Media Full overhead lighting
(approx. 500 lux)

2-1. Booth fees

1. Standard Booth

(1) The exhibition fee per booth space is as follows:

General exhibitors (standard rate) @¥270,000 (@¥291,600 incl. tax)
・Japan Electronics Show Association members
・IABM Members (member rate)
@¥240,000 (@¥259,200 incl. tax)

(2) Small package booth (includes basic decorations)

One booth @¥145,000 (@¥156,600 incl. tax)
Two booths @¥290,000 (@¥313,200 incl. tax)

2-2. Items included in the booth fee

Invitation leaflets and
registration cards for visitors
150 per booth
Badges For exhibitors 10 per booth
For constructors 5 per booth
Electric power supply costs and expenses
Single-phase 100V or 200V
1kW per booth
Electric power usage Free of charge
Home page listing 1 page per company

2-3. Other fees

1. The following items are not included in the both fees.
*includes consumption tax
*Consumption tax rate at the time of the exhibition, which is November 2015, will be applied.

Invitation leaflets and registration cards for visitors
(in excess of the number of free leaflets and cards indicated above.)
¥40 per set
Badges Exhibitors
(in excess of 10 badges per booth)
¥1,000 per badge
(in excess of 5 badges per booth)
¥500 per badge
Electric power
supply costs
and expenses
Single-phase 100V
or 200V
¥7,020 per kW
Three-phase 200V ¥7,020 per kW
Overtime work ¥10,800 per hour

2. Booth decorations other than basic panels

Booth decorations other than system panels are to be handled by exhibitors. The Show Management Secretariat offers package booth programs.

Basic specification of package booth

・Reception counter(s)
・Electricity socket(s)

・Company name display
・Fluorescent lights

One Package booth @¥70,000
(@¥75,600 incl. tax)
Two Package booths @¥110,000
(@¥118,800 incl. tax)
Three Package booths @¥150,000
(@¥162,000 incl. tax)

*Numerous variations are available. Details will be available in the Exhibitor Manual.

3. Other

Additional expenses may be charged as required by law and regulations.
Details regarding these charges will be provided in the Exhibitor Manual.

2-4. Exhibition application and contract agreement

To apply for and contract exhibition space, fill in the information required on the exhibition contract application form, and submit the form to the Show Management Secretariat of the Japan Electronics Show Association (JESA), which will confirm your full understanding of the exhibition regulations. Upon receiving the application form, the Show Management Secretariat will send a receipt confirmation notice via e-mail. The receipt date stated in this confirmation e-mail is regarded as the contract date, whereupon exhibitors are liable for participation fees. If applying in multiple categories, a separate application is required for each category. However, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to advise exhibitors on the most appropriate location for their booths. In addition, exhibitors are required to submit one application per Category if applying for booth spaces in multiple Categories.

1. Applications should be sent to:

Japan Electronics Show Association (JESA)
Ote Center Bldg., 1-1-3 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan
TEL:+81-3-6212-5231 FAX:+81-3-6212-5225

2. Application deadlines

(1) First application deadline: Friday, May 29th, 2015.

Applicants may participate in the primary booth allocation lot drawing.

(2) Second application deadline: Tuesday, June 30th, 2015.

Applicants may participate in the secondary selection.
*Even prior to these deadlines, no more applications will be accepted if all booth spaces have been filled.

(3) After the second deadline

Applications will be accepted after July 1st, 2015 or until all available booth spaces are taken.

3. Submitting a company profile

First-time exhibitors to the show are required to provide a company profile and catalog(s) of product(s) planned to be exhibited upon submission of the exhibit application / contract. And, if there are major changes made to the corporate profile or catalog(s) of product(s) planned to be exhibited after the company has submitted these documents, an updated profile and / or catalog(s) must again be submitted. Applications without these documents will be put on hold until the Show Management Secretariat confirms the receipt of these items.

4. Cooperative exhibitions or neighboring exhibitions which involve more than two companies

Exhibitors who wish to maximize the effects of exhibitions by holding cooperative exhibitions with group / affiliated companies in one booth or neighboring exhibitions with other companies, must submit applications according to the following criteria.

(1) Collaboration exhibitions
One of the exhibiting companies should submit an application and pay booth fees. Please fill in and submit “Collaboration exhibitor registration form” which is sent to you by the Show Management Secretariat upon completion of application of cooperative exhibitions. By submitting this form, you can print the names of affiliated companies on the lists and the layout.

(2) Neighboring exhibitions
a. The total number of booths requested by each company conforms to the standard booth specification and configuration.
b. Each company should pay its booth fees separately.
c. The position of booths will be decided by the lot drawing among the total number of booths applied for.
d. We will confirm if the panels on the sides neighboring booths of other exhibitors and booth numbers are available on the questionnaire.

(3) Cooperative exhibitions
a. Total number of booths requested by each company does not conform to the standard booth specification and configuration.
b. Exhibitors wish to have booths facing each other on each side of the entryway.
c. The number of booths requested by each company conforms to the standard booth specification and configuration.
d. Each exhibitor should pay booth fees separately.
e. The position of booths will be decided by the Show Management Secretariat beforehand. It is not possible to choose the position of booths.
f. We do not allow linking of standard booths and small package booths.
g. Please be aware we reserve the right to refuse applications if we cannot verify validity of the cooperative exhibitions. Also, please be aware that we cannot accommodate your requests concerning the configuration of booths.

5. Refusal of application

Applications from any persons involved in bankruptcy, composition, receivership, civil rehabilitation, or corporate reorganization proceedings, or persons who are suspended from current account transactions from financial institutions will not be accepted. Similarly, applications from any persons deemed by the Association to be involved in similar circumstances will not be accepted. If an exhibitor company is found to fall into one of the categories described above after the contract has been concluded, the  contract will be voided and that company will not be permitted to exhibit. In such a case, participation fees paid by exhibitors will be refunded. If deemed necessary by the Association, an investigation or inquiry into the surrounding circumstances will be conducted.

2-5. Payment of booth fees

Booth space payments are to be paid via electronic bank transfer according to the schedule below. JESA will issue an invoice and designate the bank account for remittance at this time. Checks and promissory notes are not acceptable as payment. Transfer fees are to be borne by the exhibitor.

Payment deadline

Primary applicant Friday, July 31st, 2015
Secondary applicant Monday, August 31st, 2015

2-6. Cancellation or reducing the number of booths

If an exhibitor cancels or reduces the number of booth spaces applied or, regardless of the reason, some or all of the following cancellation fees will apply. Consumption tax (5%) will be added to all fees.

July 1st to July 31st, 2015 60% of exhibition booth fee
August 1st to August 31st, 2015 80% of exhibition booth fee
On or after September 1st, 2015 100% of exhibition booth fee

Please notify us promptly of cancellations of exhibitions, and additions / reductions of boot spaces. Please fill in and submit “Application for booth cancellation or changes for number of booth(s)” that is sent to you by the Show Management Secretariat. The Show Management Secretariat will inform you that it has received the application as a confirmation.

3-1. Exhibiting of products from outside of Japan (including fixtures)

Inter BEE plans to make all exhibition halls open to the display of bonded goods. Therefore, it will be possible for exhibitors to display overseas products (those manufactured outside Japan or items that have not yet cleared Customs proceedings) even if they have not cleared Customs by the time the exhibition begins.

3-2. Applications regarding industrial property rights

Part of the Patent Law has been revised and the application items of regulation concerning exception to lack of novelty of invention have been reviewed.
Due to this revised law, the designated system of exhibitions was abolished from 1st April, 2012, and disclosure type restrictions were removed from the old system where application items were restricted except for certain exhibitions.
Exhibitors who plan to file an application for patent, utility model or trademark, should directly contact the General Affairs Division of the Patent Office.

3-3. Prohibited activities

The following activities are considered as prohibited:

1. Exhibit space transfer
Subletting, selling, transferring, or exchanging exhibition space, either in whole or in part, to any third party, including other exhibitors.

2. Directing visitors to other venues
Directing Inter BEE visitors to simultaneous product or technology exhibits off-site is prohibited.

3. Engaging in sales activities
Selling products other than publications and software on-site except in designated area during the show is prohibited. Exhibitors who wish to sell publications and software are required to submit details and seek approval in advance.

4. Inappropriate behavior
Aggressively attempting to attract visitors to view demonstrations while standing outside of booths or in aisles is prohibited. Persistent sales approaches and/or techniques considered to be excessive are also prohibited.

5. Exhibiting for the purpose of obtaining personal information
It is prohibited to use booths for the primary purpose of collecting personal information on visitors, rather than to display products and services. Furthermore, all exhibitors are requested to abide by the stipulations in Japan's personal information protection legislation. Details on the collection and handling of personal information will be available in the Exhibition Manual.

3-4. Responsibilities of exhibitors

1. Prompt fee payment
Exhibitors will pay all exhibitor fees and expenses invoiced by Show Management Secretariat and bear responsibility until all payments are complete.

2. Obeying the law
The laws and regulations of Japan shall be followed in all cases related to the transfer and management of display and related items, and in management and other matters related to constructs and structures for use in exhibits.

3. Liability for damage, management of exhibited items, and insurance.
(1) The sponsors, organizing committee and Show Management Secretariat will make every effort to ensure the security of exhibits during the show period by, for example, implementing security guard patrols. However, the management cannot assume responsibility for damages arising from natural disaster, fire, theft, loss of property or other occurrences beyond its control and recommends that exhibitors take steps of their own.
(2) Exhibitors shall be liable for any fatalities or injuries occurring to visitors, other exhibitors or third persons as well as damage to items at the exhibition site. Inter BEE sponsors and / or the organizing committee shall bear no responsibility whatsoever in such circumstances.
(3) A booth manager, whose responsibility is to supervise all activities that take place in the exhibitor’s booth, must be confirmed with the organizer prior to the start of the exhibition.
(4) Exhibitors are recommended to provide for adequate insurance coverage during the exhibition.
(5) The organizer will make every effort to provide effective management, enhanced safety, and maintenance of order at the venue as well as ensure the safety of exhibition visitors. Any act by an exhibitor(s) that is considered detrimental to the aforementioned may lead to the termination of that exhibitor’s demonstration. Exhibitors shall be liable for any accidents that may occur during exhibitor demonstrations, and Inter BEE sponsors and / or the organizing committee shall bear no responsibility whatsoever in such circumstances. In the event of an accident, the exhibitor is required to take appropriate action and report it immediately to the organizer.

4. Complying with the exhibition schedule
Prior, during and after the show, all exhibitors are requested to comply with the exhibition schedule specified by the organizer. Construction activities to the booth, delivery and/or wrap-up activities during the exhibition are prohibited.

3-5. Termination or shortening of exhibition duration due to unavoidable or potential calamity

(1) If the exhibition is canceled because of an event of force majeure, such as an earthquake, typhoon, fire, disease, terrorist act or order from the public authorities, the organizers reserve the right to shorten the duration of the exhibition or the hours that the exhibition is open to the public, either before or during the exhibition. If the exhibition sponsors deem such action necessary, this information will be promptly published on the official Website and exhibitors will be notified. Neither the exhibition organizers nor the Association shall assume any liability for losses incurred by exhibitors in such a case.

(2) If an unavoidable calamity that occurs prior to the opening of Inter BEE forces cancellation of the exhibition, participation fees paid by exhibitors will be refunded in full, minus charges for expenses already incurred.

(3) Neither the exhibition organizers nor the sponsors shall be held liable to refund exhibition expenses, either in full or in part, if the exhibition duration is unavoidably shortened because of a calamity or potential calamity.

(4) The exhibition sponsors and the Show Management Secretariat assume no responsibility for expenses incurred by exhibitors if the exhibition is canceled or shortened because of a calamity.

3-6. News gathering and filming

Staff members appointed by the sponsors and / or the organizer will be authorized to gather news and / or conduct interviews as well engage in filming and / or photography. Exhibitors are requested to cooperate with such new gathering and filming activities and also agree that any image, photograph, information, etc. obtained during the exhibition can be used solely for the purpose of promoting Inter BEE.

3-7. Dealing with disputes between exhibitors

Any disputes between exhibitors concerning exhibits, publicity materials related to exhibits, intellectual property or the use of booths shall be resolved between the parties concerned. The exhibition sponsors shall bear no responsibility whatsoever in such instances.

4-1. Booth design

Product exhibits, demonstrations, etc., must be conducted within the exhibitor’s booth. If for some reason this rule is not followed properly, the organizing committee and / or the Show Management Secretariat will request that the exhibitor comply with the rule; any further noncompliance may result in termination of the exhibitor’s booth.

1. Prohibition of usage of space beyond booth boundaries

(1) Exhibitors are responsible for controlling crowds around their booths, which might block walkways in public spaces. If a stage is set up in a booth, the Exhibitor must ensure that the booth layout makes it possible to bring all visitors inside the boundaries of the booth.
(2) Inviting visitors into booths and/or conducting surveys in walkways in public spaces is strictly prohibited.
(3) Exhibits, decorations, fixtures, plants and packaging materials should not be left outside of booths, but must be stored within booths.
(4) Product exhibitions and presentation acts using the space outside the booth such as the aisle is prohibited.
(5) Lighting directed toward aisles, exhibition hall walls or ceiling is prohibited.

2. In-booth stages

Exhibitors planning to set up a stage in their booths must ensure that the booth layout makes it possible to bring all visitors inside the boundaries of the booth. Further more, depending on the height of the stage and the video equipment installing, take sufficient care of the visitors viewing angle and of an appropriate distance. If any problems occur in line with in-booth stages, the Show Management Secretariat will request immediate countermeasures.

3. Thoughtful independent booth design that allows for an evacuation route When designing an independent booth, be sure to fully consider the location of adjacent companies' booths, and carry out thoughtful design that allows for an evacuation route and does not obstruct the view of adjacent companies' booths.

4. Speakers

Exhibitors are prohibited from setting up public address systems, such as loudspeakers or mixers, directly facing neighboring booths. So as not to inconvenience visitors or neighboring booths, these systems must be positioned facing the stage. If installing loudspeakers on booth walls or displays fixture pillars, the central axis of each speaker must be 45 degrees or less.

5. Safety Measures

(1)To prevent truss beams falling, strike four or more anchor bolts in one place when securing them to the floor.
(2)When installing exhibition panels (OCTANORM), take measures to prevent them falling by reinforcing the panels, reinforcing the beams in the corner sections, and installing weights.
(3)Take measures to prevent independent fixtures falling by securing them to the wall or floor surface.
(4)When installing video monitors, speakers, channel characters, lighting fixtures, and other fixtures

4-2. Ceiling structure and two-floor construction

1. Ceiling structure

Installing a ceiling on the booth is only permitted when products and/or demonstrations need to be shielded from light or insulated from sound. The ceiling must be made of a fireproof blacked-out curtain, which is the only material permitted under local fire department restrictions. Direct sunshine will be blocked out within the exhibit halls but there still may be some reflections cast from the indirect and ceiling lighting. Exhibitors who wish to set up ceiling structures, without regard to the size or area, are required to submit an application form sent with the Exhibition Manual together with top and elevated view booth drawings. Observe the following guidelines for the design and construction of a ceiling structure.

(1) Structure
①Any double layer structure is prohibited.
②All the decorating materials must be fire-resistant processed and attached the fire-resistant indications.
③Exhibitors are required to submit both top (designated ceiling area and its size) and elevated view (designated ceiling area and surrounding wall, etc.) booth drawings. They must show that the ceiling are fire-resistant processed.
(2) Fire Safety Equipment
①Fire extinguishes must be size 10 or larger.
②Fire alarms (smoke alarms) may be required. In such case,
exhibitors must submit the placement notice and its operation experiment result to the Management Office. Domestic fire alarms are not be accepted.
③Depending on the structure or size, evacuation exits and leading light for emergency may be necessary.

2. Two-floor contruction / Suspended Structure

Two-story structures and suspending decorations from the ceiling are not allowed.

4-3. Floor work

Exhibitors who require floor construction work are required to submit an application form sent with the Exhibit Manual together with a floor plan. Observe the following guidelines for the Floor Construction Work.

(1) Exhibitors are required to contact the Management Office in each hall before commencing the work and inform the number of anchor bolts to be affixed.
*In case there is no need of anchor bolts, exhibitors are required to submit the cancellation.

(2) Concrete nails and jackhammering are prohibited. No construction may be carried out on pit covers or pit interiors on the floors.

(3) To prevent truss beams falling, strike four or more anchor bolts in one place when securing them to the floor.

(4) Floor construction work is permitted on the condition that all flooring will be restored to its original state after the show. After usage, if the bolt heads project above the surface, they must be sawn off, not hammered in or cut with acetylene torches. All expenses for restoration shall be borne by the exhibitor. In the event that the floor is not restored to its original condition after the final floor inspection, or the restoration is incomplete, the Management Office will complete the restoration work and charge the total amount of expenses to the exhibitor after the show.

(5) When bolting down an anchor bolt, a cooperative fee for the restoration of floor surfaces of ¥1,080 per bolt will be charged to the exhibitor regardless of the size of the bolt.

(6) Carpeting a booth, exhibitions are required to use double-faced tape. Use of glue is prohibited..

4-4. Fire prevention regulations

Inspections by the local fire department will be carried out during the display construction work of after its completion. Any work not in accordance with the below regulations may be suspended, or the structure(s) in question removed. Exhibitors are required to follow the instructions below.

1. Any type of material, whether cloth or paper, affixed to plywood for display purposes should be fireproof.

2. Materials such as display mountings, artificial flowers, draperies, drop curtains, display plywood, fiber blinds, blackout curtains, carpeting or other flammable materials must be fireproof. Please attach a Fireproof tag to each of these materials in an easily visible location.

3. Avoid using paper flowers, urethane, acetate, polyester, nylon or other materials that are difficult to fireproof.

4. The use of plastic foam is prohibited. Please substitute Styrofoam or similar materials.

5-1. Counterfeit or imitation products are strictly prohibited

1. The display, distribution, or demonstration of counterfeit or imitation products that infringe on a third party’s intellectual property rights (e.g. patents, trademarks, design rights, copyrights, overseas rights, etc.) or any other related activity is strictly prohibited.

2. If the Organizing Committee discovers counterfeit or imitation products being displayed, distributed, or demonstrated, it reserves the right to remove these products from the exhibition venue immediately with all costs incurred becoming the responsibility of the offending exhibitor.

3. In addition to inspections for counterfeit or imitation products, all exhibitors shall cooperate with the Organizing Committee whenever any type of inspection is conducted.

4. Any disputes concerning the intellectual property rights of exhibited products shall be resolved between the parties concerned.

5-2. Comparison displays

As a general rule, exhibitors are requested to limit product comparisons (see guidelines below) to demonstrations between products and / or technologies of their own company or group companies. Exhibitors who plan to compare their products or technologies with those of other companies should first obtain advance permission from the other company and such comparisons must not infringe upon the property rights of that company.

1. Comparisons using exhibits and demonstrations.

2. Comparisons using information panels and pamphlets.

3. Verbal comparisons in audio announcements.

4. Other comparisons related to products and technologies.

When the organizers and / or Organizing Committee determine that the aforementioned guidelines on comparison displays have not been observed, they reserve the right to terminate the display or order that corrective measures be taken with all costs incurred by the exhibitor. If said corrective measures are determined to be insufficient, the exhibitor may be barred from future participation in Inter BEE.

5-3. Suitable displays

The following regulations must be strictly observed for all displays in the exhibition booths.

1. Safety and precaution signage
All booths must have adequate safety and precaution signage positioned in clearly visible locations around the displays.

2. Displays should reflect real-life situations
Product presentations and / or displays should be demonstrated in real-life situations as much as possible and not in an exaggerated or unrealistic manner. If this is not practical, the product(s) must have accompanying captions stating how they are used in actual applications.

5-4. Vehicle display

When displaying broadcast relay vans or other vehicles, please be certain that the vehicle can be stored within the space stipulated by the booth specifications. If this height is exceeded, please submit "application for Over-Regulation Heights" in the Exhibition Manual.

5-5. Restrictions on Audio Volume

When explaining products or making demonstrations, audio volume in the booth must be maintained at the levels less than 75dB. Please remember that it is important to maintain audio volume at reasonable levels to ensure that visitors can hear the presentations of other exhibitors.

1. The value is the standard, when measured from 2 m away from the border line of booth. These levels must be observed throughout every booth.

2. During the exhibition period, the Show Management Secretariat will regularly measure sound levels. Exhibitors are also asked to voluntarily measure sound levels within their booths before and during the exhibition. Contact the on-site Management Office to borrow measuring equipment.

3. Breach of noise-level restrictions: Any exhibit exceeding the specified noise levels must be modified to conform to regulations. Failure to conform may result in the loss of exhibiting privileges.

4. Regardless of these regulations, if complaints are received from neighboring exhibitors or noise is noticeable in other areas of the site, the Show Management Secretariat will require the exhibitor in question.

5. Please make sure that a person responsible for audio equipment is stationed in your booth at all times, and that the audio equipment is operated in accordance with the regulations.

5-6. Demonstration regulations

1. Copyrights
Exhibitors playing music or replaying recorded audio or video material must pay royalties on said material (unless the exhibitor owns the rights or has made separate arrangements for payment of royalties). Royalties are payable to the Japanese Society for the Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC), which handles royalties in Japan. Please contact JASRAC for details on arrangements and royalty calculation methods. In addition, when exercising rights regarding video and animation, please contact the company or organization/group that owns the copyright.

2. Illumination / Lighting
No illumination that projects directly into another company’s lighting or onto walls or corridors is permitted. Exhibitors in the Professional Lighting category who need to illuminate in distance to describe or feature its exhibit product many illuminate only towards the ceiling within the exhibitor’s booth. When strong lighting equipment such as LEDs are used in displays and / or signboards, they must be positioned so as not to inconvenience visitors or neighboring booths.

3. Smoke machines
The use of smoke machines (including alcohol, oil or petroleum smoke machines, and dry ice machines) is not permitted.

4. Other
Please take preventive measures to avoid the generation of the following during demonstrations. Please be considerate of other exhibitors and visitors.
1. Hot air 2. Gases 3. Odors 4. Vibration

5-7. Handling of hazardous items

1. The Fire Prevention Law Prohibits the Following Activities on the Exhibition Site
(1) Smoking
(2) Live flames (spark-producing items, exposed elements, etc.)
(3) Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or other flammable / pressurized gases
(4) Hazardous objects (gasoline, kerosene, other oils, etc.)
(5) Hazardous materials (explosives, matches or disposable lighters in large quantities, etc.)

2. Exemptions for prohibited activities
Excluding smoking, exemptions for prohibited activities and / or the use of some of the aforementioned substances may be granted by local fire safety authorities if it is determined that only minimal amounts of substances will be used or that the activities are necessary to enhance the exhibit. For exhibitors seeking exemptions, please fill in the relevant items on the “Hazardous Materials Usage Application” in the exhibitor’s manual and submit the form together with two declaration copies explaining the nature of the performance or exhibit. The association will submit all applications to the fire safety authorities at a single time, and only the items granted exemptions will be allowed to be used in the venue.

3. Smoking
Smoking is prohibited in booths. Smoking is permitted only in specially designated smoking areas.

4. Live Flames
The following should be strictly observed when using live flames:
(1) Minimize the size and quantity of on-site equipment to the extent possible and use devices of the same type.
(2) Protect the surrounding area with fireproof materials.
(3) Monitor conditions closely and provide adequate fire safety equipment.
(4) At least one fire extinguisher must be available (with a 2-unit minimum fire extinguishing capability and a minimum size of 10).
(5) A designated person responsible for fire prevention and extinguishing any possible fire must be stationed in the booth.
(6) Live flames must be at least 5 m from fire exits, hazardous materials and other flammable materials

5. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) or Pressurized Gas
The following rules should be strictly observed when using LPG and other pressurized gases (oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, argon gas, etc.):
(1) After installation, test all containers for leaks, and if necessary display a "Caution: Do Not Use Near Flammables" sign on them.
(2) Use pressurized gases under the lowest possible pressure, and handle containers carefully. Bringing flammable gas cylinders (except cartridge types) onto the exhibition site is rohibited.
(3) To prevent gas leakage, use a complete connector for all connecting parts and monitor continuously with a gas leak detector.

6. Hazardous Materials
When using hazardous substances in the exhibition venue, the following regulations must be strictly observed.
(1) Bring only one day's supply or less onto the exhibition site.
(2) Do not replenish supplies during exhibition operating hours.
(3) Provide adequate fire safety measures and handle materials carefully at all times.
(4) Place hazardous materials 6m and other materials 3m or more from fire escapes.
(5) A Type 10 fire extinguisher must be readily available.
(6) Place hazardous materials 5m away from areas in which open flames are being used.
(7) Appoint personnel to monitor safety.

6-1. Violation of the regulations and discrepancies in interpretation

Concerning official regulations, if an exhibitor violates regulations or if there is a discrepancy in interpretation or the application of these regulations, the following measures will be taken. Please note that the interpretation of the regulations as defined in the original Japanese language documentation will take precedence.

1. If the Organizing Committee determines that an exhibitor has violated regulations governing exhibitor booths and implementation of exhibits, the association will request that the exhibitor take the necessary corrective measures.

2. If the same violation described in section 1 above occurs again, or a discrepancy in interpretation of these regulations occurs, the Organizing Committee will take the appropriate action and as a final ruling order, order the exhibitor in question to take the necessary corrective measures. Please note that once the committee reaches a final ruling, the committee will not enter into any further discussion with the exhibitor in question, nor be responsible for any incurred liabilities whatsoever.

3. If an exhibitor has been ordered to take corrective measures described in section 2 above, the exhibitor will be required to submit in writing on the same day, a description of the necessary corrective measures taken and the schedule at which they will be completed.

4. If an exhibitor has been ordered to take corrective measures described in section 2 above, and fails to do so accordingly, or if the corrective measures taken are determined to be insufficient by the Organizing Committee, the following penalties may apply.
(1) The exhibitor will be prohibited from continuing with exhibition activities from the next day.
(2) If the penalty in section 1 above is not abided to, the exhibitor will be barred from exhibiting at the subsequent Inter BEE exhibition.

6-2. Others

1. Other prohibited activities and regulations that are not included in these regulations will be detailed in the Exhibitor Manual that will be distributed at a later date.

2. Promissory notes cannot be accepted for payment for booth fee and all the expenses. Transfer fees are to be borne by the exhibitor.

3. These regulations are subject to change as deemed necessary by the show sponsors, the Organizing Committee or the association. If changes occur to the regulations, they will be posted on the Inter BEE Official Website, or brought to the attention of exhibitors by other means.

4. Observing these regulations is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor. The show sponsors, Organizing Committee and the association will not accept any responsibility resulting from violations of existing laws and / or local ordinances by exhibitors.

6-3. Organizing Committee

The Organizing Committee functions as a body to deliberate and decide matters related to the management of the exhibition, including regulations and plans. The Organizing Committee will be represented at the exhibition site during the preparation and execution phases of the exhibition. These representatives will be responsible for maintaining the exhibition environment, dealing with problems and ensuring that the exhibition regulations are adhered to at all times. They have the authority to address problems as they arise.