Why Inter BEE?
Appeal Points
Largest comprehensive technology and business media event in Japan.
It covers all aspects of 'Creation', 'Delivery' and 'Receiving' content.
Inter BEE is an event that covers the technologies, products, systems, software, etc. that play a role in all the processes of delivering and receiving the content created in media and entertainment, and creates new business opportunities.

Inter BEE is not a one-way street where exhibitors introduce new products, services and solutions to visitors, but where many of visitors are professionals in the media and entertainment industry, who provide useful information to each other, and where many business discussions take place. This is a characteristic of Inter BEE.
Reasons To Exhibit
Merit 1
Networking opportunities with a wide range of decision-makers (80% of visitors)
Merit 2
The event regarded by many exhibitors as a "business opportunity generator".
Merit 3
Increase market presence and meet key customers
Merit 4
Online use can increase synergies with real approach
Merit 5
Inter BEE is a communication event where experience and dialogue generate business.
Merit 6
“Conference” where many cutting-edge key figures in the media and entertainment industry will be on stage.
Networking opportunities with a wide range of decision-makers (80% of visitors)
80% of visitors have decision-making power over product adoption and purchase, and come with a purpose rather than merely gathering information, seeking networking from discovery to purchase of new technologies and products.
To what degree are you involved in the process of purchasing products/services in your company?

In addition, past visitor demographics are as follows, with people from various fields involved in the media and entertainment industry attending.
Inter BEE is the best place to promote your products, services and solutions to these visitors.
Main Visitors(Results from visitor's business type in 2023)

The event regarded by many exhibitors as a "business opportunity generator".
In a survey of exhibitors conducted after the exhibition, many consistently commented on “the high level of benefits gained from exhibiting”, and the event is recognized as having a high ROI (return on investment).
What were your main objectives for exhibiting at Inter BEE 2023?(Multiple answers accepted)
Exhibitor satisfaction in achieving objectives
Exhibitor's Voice
We were able to learn about the reactions of different industries to our services.
Promising new inquiries were obtained.
We were able to introduce our products to existing users who were too far away to visit.
The acquisition of information from potential new customers allowed us to understand market demand.
There were approaches to utilization that we didn't even think of.
We were able to acquire more leads than expected and strengthen relationships with existing customers.
Increase market presence and meet key customers
As Inter BEE is primarily aimed at professional users and is extremely well recognized and valued by industry users, having a booth at Inter BEE will increase your presence in the market and allow you to reach many new and important customers in the industry directly.

Online use can increase synergies with real approach
As well as a realistic approach on the exhibition floor, Inter BEE's online resources can be used to effectively reach a large number of industry professionals, user communities and local customers.

Inter BEE is a communication event where experience and dialogue generate business.
The most common responses in the Inter BEE visitor survey were as follows.
・It's good to be able to see and touch the products directly.
・It is helpful to be able to hear product/service explanations directly from the people at the exhibition booth.
・I was able to get a concrete image by actually experiencing the service.
In response to the question "Please tell us the point that made you feel ‘worthwhile for visiting’ to Makuhari Messe?" more than 70% of visitors responded they felt that the "experience" of the exhibition hall, including communication with exhibitors, was worthwhile.*Single response.
The point that made you feel ‘worthwhile for visiting’ to Makuhari Messe

One of the key features of Inter BEE is the length of time visitors spend on site, with over 60% of visitors spending more than four hours on site. For industry users, Inter BEE plays an important user experience and communication role.
Time spent

“Conference” where many cutting-edge key figures in the media and entertainment industry will be on stage.
With over 100 conference sessions being held, the excitement extends beyond the exhibition hall.Many visitors come for the conference, but most of this audience also visits the exhibition hall, so the synergy between the exhibition and the conference is a factor in the overall excitement of the event.
Conferences often feature key persons who are at the forefront of the media and entertainment industry, are developing in-depth discussions on their respective genres, and many sessions are full and standing-room-only every year.
Inter BEE is the place to meet key people in the industry and discuss future developments.
Sample Conferences in 2023

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Please consider participating in Inter BEE, where both exhibitors and visitors are highly satisfied.
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